
Showing posts from 2014

Traffic Information Meeting - November 19

The Gilmore Park Community League along with Ward 2 Councillor Dave Anderson and the Strathcona County Transportation Department invite interested members of the community to a special Traffic Information Meeting on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 7:00-8:30pm at the Community Centre.  Join us to learn more about recent traffic studies on Glenbrook Blvd. & Georgian Way, what are the future traffic calming plans for Glen Allan and find out about the history and research around traffic safety.

Gilmore Park Community Connection October 2014

View it here !

Pathway Party A Huge Success!

The Gilmore Park Community League would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate phase 2 construction completion at the Pathway Party August 31.  We estimate approximately 400 neighbours, friends and Bobs & Lolo fans attended the event.   Successful neighbourhood events are only possible due to the support of community, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to: Gilmore Park Community League Board Members - Alena, Deneka, Cory, Katie B., Shelley, Mycki & Tammy Strathcona County Councillor Dave Anderson Volunteers - Chris, Ethan, Kris, Maggie M., Christie, Cameron, Dan, Mark W., Sam, Darryl, Mary, David, Katie, Cameron, Karly, Paul, Reg, Dave, Marlene, Mark H., James, Marg, Wendy, Kaylea, and Stephanie Rotary Heartland (Concession Coordinators/Volunteers) Mayor Carr (Parade Marshall) Ethan & Julia (Unicyclists) Parent Link (Bike Decorators) Cultivating Communities Park Power Re/Max Elite Confetti Sweets Mud Sweat & Gears Walma...

Pathway Party - August 31

WOW!  We have made the Edmonton Journal's Top Family 5 as well as the Frugal Edmonton Mama's 21 End-of-Summer Family Friendly Edmonton Activities !  Thank you! Phase 2 Construction is complete time to celebrate! Join us Sunday, August 31 for a PATHWAY PARTY in Gilmore Park. Free activities for kids! *Please bring lawn chairs and/or blankets* Food Concession by sponsored by Rotary Heartland Root Beer by Dave Anderson EVENT DETAILS: Noon-1:30pm - Bike Decorating (courtesy of Parent Link) & Park Activities 1:30-2:00pm - Performance by Bobs & Lolo 2:00-3:00pm - Bike Parade 3:00-3:30pm - Performance by Bobs & Lolo 3:30-4:00pm - Meet & Greet with Bobs & Lolo 4:00-5:00pm - Park Activities Event proceeds rain or shine! Find out more about Bobs & Lolo at Or watch a live performance below! RESIDENTS, PLEASE NOTE:  Gilmore Avenue, Grant Avenue, and a portion of Graham Road will be closed o...

Notice of AGM June 18

Gilmore Park Community League Annual General Meeting Join us! Wednesday, June 18 at 7pm Nitza's Pizza - Graham Road

Playing it Forward

Over a year ago neighbour Christie and I watched an Emmanuel Foundation playground build video, it brought us to tears and was the motivation we needed to find a good home for our neighbourhood play equipment.  Throughout the process we were amazed how all the pieces came together.  Now that the cement is set, and all the bolts have been tightened we give thanks to everyone who played a role in building not just a playground but a community.  We must not forget to count our blessings and then share them.  Here is a longer look at our wonderful experience in the community of Santa Helena in Honduras.  Tammy

Roatan Playground Build Video

Playground Opening

The culmination of our efforts have finally borne their fruit. Only four days ago, I walked towards the worksite on a rutted dirt road and saw a flat piece of land, desolate and disconnected from the community. Now, that land has turned into a focal point for all St. Heleneans. The playground's bright colors add vibrancy to the area, symbolic of the transformation that has occurred there. Yesterday we had the opening ceremonies for the playground. Early in the morning delegates arrived. This completed an impressively sized panel of roughly 12 individuals who were responsible for the organization of the build, allowing the ceremonies to begin. Altogether it makes one realize the heumungis (Maggie's spelling for "humongous") effort required in order to coordinate the logistical side of playground-building adventures. Their efforts are deeply appreciated. The ceremonies lasted roughly an hour and you could feel the anxiousness of the school children to play in the pla...

Arrival in St. Helena

I will be honest Day 1 of the GPCL Playground Rebuild had bumpy start, well mainly just a bumpy boat ride!  It was also an adjustment to vastly different living conditions and weather, but our build crew of GPCL and Rotary members were welcomed by friendly hosts.  After a day of working in extreme heat we were covered in blisters and clay and a dip in the ocean at the end of the day felt great.  We made good progress and the best part of Day 1 for me was interacting with the local children as they helped build, played games with us and did crafts.  This is no vacation, conditions are tough but spirits are high! Halfway through Day 2 I have spent the morning talking with local teachers.  The Rotary members from District 5370 are committed to forming new partnerships to improve education on the island.  This afternoon I am looking forward to playing games with the early childhood class, play truly is a universal language and everyone has the right to pla...

Honduran bound

After a long travelling day, waking up in Texas, now going to bed in Honduras we are excited that tomorrow we start building.  From cold to sun, snow to sand it really is a different world.  We had a chance to pop out to a local beach after arriving this afternoon, enough to get our spirits out of winter!!  The equipment arrived at St Helene yesterday afternoon, and tomorrow  morning we take a boat to the island to start our build. Definitely excited! Chris

Honduran bound

After a long travelling day, waking up in Texas, now going to bed in Honduras we are excited that tomorrow we start building.  From cold to sun, snow to sand it really is a different world.  We had a chance to pop out to a local beach after arriving this afternoon, enough to get our spirits out of winter!!  The equipment arrived at St Helene yesterday afternoon, and tomorrow  morning we take a boat to the island to start our build. Definitely excited! Chris

Gilmore Park Community Connection March 2014

Please view our e-newsletter here !

Tremendous Support for Playground Relocation to Honduras

The Gilmore Park Community League Pub Night & Silent Auction on February 8 was a big success thanks to the generous donations from the following individuals and businesses! Silent Auction Donors: Strathcona County Mayor, Roxanne Carr Strathcona County Councillor, Dave Anderson Strathcona County Councillor, Linton Delainey Strathcona County Councillor, Fiona Beland-Quest Strathcona County Councillor, Carla Howatt Elk Island Public School Trustee, Trina Boymook Chris Greidanus - Re/Max Elite Park Power Strathcona Orthodontics Alberta Resource Centre for Quality Enhancement Strathcona Sandblasting Hurley Meats Crescendo Music Studios Telus World of Science Edmonton Exist Cycle Moksha Yoga Sherwood Park Galaxy Theatre Enbridge Square One Pasta Pantry Original Joes Taste of India Common Ground Community Cafe Epicure by Lisa RoseBrugh Stella & Dot by Kim Chelsea Almeida - Paisley Designs Candace Hiebert - Gold Canyon Candles Trendz on 6...

Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SHERWOOD PARK PLAYGROUNDS HONDURAS BOUND The Gilmore Park Community 'Plays it Forward' January 28, 2014 ā€“ Strathcona County Two weeks ago a shipping container departed from Strathcona County bound for Honduras, filled with local play equipment rescued from disposal at the landfill.   When the Gilmore Park Community League formed in 2011 for the purpose of revitalizing their park in the community of Glen Allan in Sherwood Park, they knew there was nothing wrong with their equipment.   "It just wasn't attracting users so when we heard about other groups that had taken playgrounds to communities in need, we had to find a way to see our project go full circle" said Gilmore Park Community League President Tammy Greidanus. With support from local businesses, over 220 households in the neighbourhood and Federal, Provincial & Municipal Governments Gilmore Park saw a new playground installed in the summer of 2013.   Since that t...

Pub Night & Silent Auction - February 8

Please support our Honduras Playground Relocation Project! Event: Pub Night & Silent Auction - Including a 50/50 Draw & Door Prizes Date: Saturday, February 8 Time: Anytime after 7pm Location: Tickets: $10 (includes a drink) For Tickets Email

Bottle's Drive Relocation Project

Thank you to all of the dedicated volunteers who collected bottles on a chilly day this past weekend.  Katie, Darryl, Sam, James, Chris, Ethan, Maggie, Christie & Mycki and all of the our neighbours, supporters, friends, family and local businesses who donated, THANK YOU for helping us raise funds to take the previous Gilmore Park playground to Roatan, Honduras!