Community Garden

Gilmore Park Community Garden

Did you know? There are 25 raised garden boxes and 1 pollinator box in Gilmore Park. Gardeners pay a yearly fee of $25 per box. Currently, 2 boxes are dedicated for the Strathcona County Food Bank, from which members donate their time and produce. Garden boxes are clearly marked so the community is kindly asked not to pick from boxes paid for by community garden members. Neighbours are welcome to pick from 1 strawberry box, 1 raspberry box, and a herb box. In addition, there are 3 cherry trees, and approximately 25 fruit bushes planted along the front of the forest area for neighbourhood picking. 

The garden group is a friendly group of novice to more experienced gardeners. If you are interested in joining the group, boxes are designated on a first come first serve basis. To contact the group email: or visit their Facebook Page: Gilmore Park Community Garden. If you see gardeners in Gilmore Park please come over and visit, they would be happy to chat!
