Trafffic Calming Open House - June 24

Earlier in the year the county held 2 public open houses, along with an online questionnaire to begin their public engagement of the upcoming traffic calming measures for the Glen Allan community. Following this up in May there were 2 stakeholder input sessions where a smaller group was asked to give more detailed feedback and discussion on what some of the priorities and goals for the calming should be. This process culminates Wednesday, the 24th of June from 5-8pm at the Community Centre with the County's public open house, where they will be presenting their top options for what changes will take place throughout the neighbourhood (not just major intersections, but throughout the whole glen Allan community). Following the open house the recommendations will then go to council for final approval and construction will begin. The upcoming open house will be the final opportunity for the public to have input and give opinions to help in deciding how our community will look by ne...