
Showing posts from 2018

Caroling - December 21

Join your neighbours December 21 for Christmas Caroling! The meeting place is 68 Georgian Way, Sherwood Park. Warm by the fire starting at 5PM and caroling will start at 5:30PM. Bring your travel mugs, cheery voices and song books will be provided. For further event details and updates visit our Facebook event page

Movie Night - September 8

Gilmore Park Movie Night   Join neighbours, friends and family on Saturday, September 8 for our annual Movie Night at dusk. This years movie is Night at the Museum staring Ben Stiller.   Bring your own blankets, chairs and snacks. The Gilmore Park Community League will be supplying Hot Chocolate!   Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Community Wide Yard Sale & Movie Night - September 8

Community Yard Sale & Movie Night in Gilmore Park Saturday, September 8! This will be an opportunity for residents to set up a table(s) in the park and sell their goods and/or shop local! The day will be capped off with an outdoor movie! If you would like to participate to sell personal items, crafts, baked goods or home business items follow the link to register. There is no cost to participate  

Popsicle Party in Gilmore Park - July 30

  Parent Link Popsicle Party MONDAY, JULY 30, 2018, 9:30 ā€“ 11:30AM Gilmore Park ā€“ 15 Gilmore Avenue, Sherwood Park Meet your neighbours, enjoy a frozen snack and participate in fun activities. This is a FREE event geared for caregivers, youth, children and families.  

Community Safety Meeting - June 24

In response to the increasing number of reported stolen property in Glen Allan, the Gilmore Park Community League is hosting a Community Safety Meeting. This will be an opportunity for neighbours to come together, share a meal, learn from Strathcona County RCMP & Citizens on Patrol and discuss how we can look out for our property and our neighbours.   Sunday, June 24 from 5:30-8:00PM The Park Church 1 Brower Drive, Sherwood Park   5:30 - 6:00PM Pasta Pantry Dinner 6:00 - 7:30PM RCMP Presentation & Discussion 7:30 - 8:00PM Socializing   Youth will be on hand to entertain younger children with crafts and games!   Registration is not required to attend, however to assist with food ordering we ask that residents sign-up via Eventbrite. A pasta dinner will be served at 5:30PM until quantities last.

AGM, Utilities Advocate & Traffic Calming Open House - June 12

Attention: Glen Allan Residents   Gilmore Park Community League (GPCL) Annual General Meeting (AGM) Tuesday, June 12, 2018 6:30-8:30 p.m. Glen Allan Recreation Complex (GARC) - 199 Georgian Way (upstairs in the curling lounge) 6:30-7:30 p.m. GPCL AGM 7:30-8:00 p.m. Utilities Consumer Advocate Presentation 8:00-8:30 p.m. Socializing   Strathcona County Glen Allan Traffic Calming Open House Also held on June 12 th at GARC from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend the open house, there will be an online survey (available on the project webpage from June 13 to 29, 2018) For more information on the Glen Allan Traffic Calming Project visit  If you have any questions about the traffic calming project in Glen Allan, contact Debbie Rawson at 780-416-6726 or

Nature Play Event - June 3

Celebrate Get Outside and Play Week with a bug hunt, branch decorating, earth art, outdoor stage, forest walk, face painting & more on Sunday, June 3rd from 1-4PM in Gilmore Park . This is a free event for families with children 7 and under, thanks to the support of the Alberta Council for Environmental Education & Mountain Equipment Co-op. Email for more information or to volunteer!

Annual Park Cleanup - May 5

Pitch In and Round Up Garbage on May 5th! Join us in Gilmore Park - 15 Gilmore Avenue, Sherwood Park for a park clean up event starting at 3pm.   Gloves and bags will be provided and Cinco de Mayo attire is optional.