
Showing posts from 2021

Jack-o-Lantern Walk -October 30

What: Jack-o-Lantern Walk When: Saturday, October 30, 2021 Where: Gilmore Park, 15 Gilmore Avenue Sherwood Park Why: Stay socially connected yet physically distanced at the 2nd Gilmore Park Community League - Jack-o-Lantern Walk!  Carve a pumpkin and come for a stroll down the path to enjoy all of the amazing creations. Prizes will be awarded for the most spooktacular Jack-O-Lanterns.  Pumpkin carvers please drop-off by 5PM and pick-up by 9PM.

Truth and Reconciliation Short Film - Sept. 30

This September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, explore the rich and diverse cultures, voices, experiences and stories of the First Nations, Inuit, and MĆ©tis peoples. Start or continue your learning journey by joining Glen Allan neighbours in Gilmore Park for a viewing of the short film - Treaty Talk . 7:00-7:15pm - Land acknowledgement & smudge 7:15-8:00pm - Treaty Talk film Hula hoops will be positioned to maintain physical distancing among cohorts. Please dress warmly and bring your own chair or blanket.

Gilmore Park Community League Celebrates 10 Years!

Connect with your neighbours for the Gilmore Park Community League 10 Year Anniversary!  This two-part celebration highlights some of the initiatives that have brought us together over the years and has something for everyone. Saturday, September 11 from 5:00-7:00PM -  St. Nicholas & Glen Allan School parking lots Show & Shine,   come by to check out some local car enthusiasts and take a look at their sweet rides as they share their journeys from rust to royalty. (Neighbours with a unique vehicle are invited to bring it to the event. We want to see all of the hot rods, antiques, sports cars, muscle cars & more!) Starvin' Marvin's Food Truck , support a local business and fill your bellies with tasty eats. Glen Allan T-shirt Design,   vote for your favourite design that best reflects our neighbourhood. (Design ideas are being accepted until September 8 - email St. Nicholas Playgroun...

T-shirt Design Contest

To commemorate the Gilmore Park Community League's 10th anniversary we are having a Glen Allan T-shirt design contest.  Designers of all ages are welcome to submit their ideas for a T-shirt design that relates to our neighbourhood. When you think of Glen Allan - the people, spaces and history of the place we call home what comes to mind? It could be an image and/or a slogan. The winning design will be printed on a special edition T-shirt for neighbours to purchase. All designs must be submitted by August 30 to We will be kicking off the creative process by hosting a virtual game night on Thursday, July 29th @ 7:00. To join via Zoom follow this   link .

Youth Safety & Annual Meeting - June 16

On June 16 from 7:00-7:45pm a Youth Liaison with  Edmonton's Neighbourhood Empowerment Team (NET)  will share some concepts about Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). They will discuss how youth can be involved in creating inclusive and welcoming communities. This addresses the causes of issues and reduces the fear of crime and social disorder. From 7:45-8:30pm the Gilmore Park Community League will report on 2020-2021 league activities and financial statements. As well as recognize volunteers and elect the 2021-2022 Board of Directors. Join your neighbours to connect, share stories and envision the kind of neighbourhood you would like to live in! Please complete this form to receive a link to join the virtual gathering on June 16:

Pitch In - May 15

Help clean up 1 of 4 Glen Allan neighbourhood parks (Greengrove, Garland, Granville or Gilmore) on Saturday May 15, 2021. You pick the park and the time during daylight hours. Please bring gloves, garbage bags and a mask. We can provide some masks and bags if needed. Stay safe by following all COVID-19 health guidelines. Follow this  link  for more information and complete a short form so we know who is pitching in and where. Confirming your participation by completing the form will also enter you to win a   Justine Ma   earth pin!

Glen Allan History Walk

The Gilmore Park Community League invites you to put on your walking shoes and start discovering!  The  Glen Allan history walk is a self-guided walking tour that explores the unique features and stories of the place which many call home. The stops along the way delve into the hidden history that residents may not realize exist in their own neighbourhood. Follow this   LINK   to learn more about eight different points of interest along the way!

Ways to Connect in March!

We invite families to make a   leprechaun trap   and see if you can catch a leprechaun or maybe even some of his gold! On March 17 we would love to see pictures of your creations on the   GPCL Facebook page . How well do you know Sherwood Park? Open this  google form  to decipher clues naming Sherwood Park streets, locations and neighbourhoods. Submit your answers by March 31 to be entered to win a Tim Horton's prize package, donated by local Realtor,  Chris Greidanus .

Ways to Connect in February!

Join Glen Allan Neighbours Saturday mornings to exercise your mind and body at FREE virtual Wellness Gatherings in the month of February. Follow this  LINK   to participate on Zoom: February 6 from 9:30-10:00AM Mindful Meditation! February 13 from 9:30-10:30AM All Ages Fitness! February 20 from 9:30-10:30AM Yoga! February 27 from 9:30-10:30AM Sherwood Park Trivia! Love One Another Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram accounts for more details. Remember to share with us the ways you choose to love those in your life, by posting on our FB and Instagram accounts.  Feb 14-28 Suggestions and reminders to Love One Another Feb 14-28 Pipe cleaner heart kits will be available in our little free library Feb 27 & 28 Come to the Gilmore Park Gazebo to make a message of love or gratitude to hang on a tree in the park

Happy New Year!
