Love One Another Month

Throughout the month of February, keep an eye out for activities and messages on our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) and at our little free libraries throughout Glen Allan. Also, please share your stories of self, family, neighbourhood and community love!

Dates to Remember:
Feb 1 Winter Walk Day
Feb 4 Thank a mail carrier day
Feb 14 Valentine's Day
Feb 17 - 28 Decorate the tree beside the gazebo in Gilmore Park with messages of love and gratitude
Feb 22 Pink Shirt Day
Feb 28 Show your community spirit - wear your Glen Allan Shirt

Activities To Do:
Feb 1- 28 Bingo cards
Feb 1- 17 Card Kits
Feb 1 - 17 Scratch kits
Feb 17 - 28 Gratitude chains
Feb  17 - 28 - Make messages of love or gratitude to hang on a tree

Crafts will be refreshed in the little free libraries on Fridays.
